Taylor Swiift.

Taylor Swiift.
My idol & favourite singer

Thursday, December 30, 2010

So i have a hard choice to make so there is this trip in may at my school and Melisa really wants me to go cause she's like ''well if you come i'm gonna ask ms.Tyleman is you and me can be roomies cause grade 8's choose first and i want you in my group really really badly.'' I don't know what i'm gonna do cause i don't want to make her sad i hate seeing my friends sad, like she said if i don't go she will be really dissapointed.
I'm like really bored right now but i can't wait for tomorrow cause i might go to the mall with a friend
and then after go to her place like i did yesterday except we didn't go to the mall we went to the basketball tournament. Well i have nothing else to wriite cause i'm reallly busy. Byyyyyyeee thankss for readiing i guesss

Monday, December 27, 2010


Well my nieces went back to there place FINALLY. like i love them and all but they get annoying sometimes
like i've been waiting DAYS just to go on here cause they will ask me questions like are you aloud on there?
whats the age for? can i have a blog? Like i love them but still its annoying
Its almost new years and i can't believe all the stuff that has happened this year.
So many changes in thiis year for everyone like it's insane.
So much drama has happened to me, i hate it so mucch but idk it made me closer with that person and
it's awsome he's one of my good friends now : )
Ugh but the worst thing EVER that happened this year was that BOREDOM came along more than EVER
and i'm not usually like that it's weird..
The best thing EVER that happened this year was that everyone in my family is thankful for there family and i very thankful for the family i have. The other BEST thing is that well it was a good year at the end. : D
I can't wait till next year it's gonna be great. ♥

Sunday, December 26, 2010


o m g !! My sisters ex-boyfriend well when he was younger he played hockey with SYDNEY CROSBY
wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ( thaat was my nieces reaction ) she loves hiimm.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

: ) .

Ok so you know how i hated cody simpson with all my heart. well i don't anymore i actually like his music know he's pretty good and i love his voice!! he's also cutee so thats just a bonus i guess lmao XDDD
So today is going good i've been Texting Melisa almost half of the day today, i'm glad i have unlimited texting for free !! Christmas is in 2 days and i can't wait i LOVE spending time with my family so much and i love gifts to but i'm not greedy though cause i'm thankful for whatever i get its the thought that counts.
Well right now im just talking to my friend lejla she is one of my bestfriends right now. i have ALLLLOOT of best friends like Sejla Jasmina Melisa Harman Shania and Lejla. LOL
I loovee to listen to music i couldn't live without it it would be impossible i swear!! maybe after next blog i could list some good songs that you could check out lmao Sorry i'm just like REALLY bored and i always am i don't know why. LOL

This Is One Of My Favourite Songs 'Pink Mean'

You use to hold the door for me
now you can't wait to leave
You use to send me flowers if
you fucked up in my dreams
I use to make you laugh
with all the silly shit I did
now you roll your eyes and
walk away and shake your head

When the spark has gone and the candles are out
and the song is done and there's no more sound
whispers turn to yelling and I'm thinking

How do we get so mean? How do we just move on?
How do you feel in the morning
when it comes and everythings undone?
Is it 'cause we wanna be free? Well that's not me.
Normally I'm so strong
I just can't wake up on the floor
like a thousand times before
knowing that forever won't be

I'm always sentimental when I think of how it was
when love was sweet and new and we just couldn't get enough
The shower, it reminds me you'd undress me with your eyes
and now you never touch me and you tell me that you're tired

You know it gets so sad when it all goes bad
and all you think about is all the fun you've had
and all those "sorry"'s ain't never gonna mean a thing

How do we get so mean? How do we just move on?
How do you feel in the morning
when it comes and everythings undone?
Is it 'cause we wanna be free? Well that's not me.
Normally I'm so strong
I just can't wake up on the floor
like a thousand times before
knowing that forever won't be

I know we said some things that we can never take back
We opened up the wine and we just let it breathe
but we should've drank it down while it was still sweet
It all goes bad eventually

Now do we stay together 'cause we're scared to be alone
We got so used to this abuse it kind of feels like home
but my baby I just really wanna know oh.

How do we get so mean? How do we just move on?
How do you feel in the morning
when it comes and everythings undone?
Is it 'cause we wanna be free? Well that's not me.
Normally I'm so strong
I just can't wake up on the floor
like a thousand times before
knowing that forever won't be

How do we get so mean? How do we just move on?
How do you feel in the morning
when it comes and everythings undone?
Is it 'cause we wanna be free? Well that's not me.
Normally I'm so strong
I just can't wake up on the floor
like a thousand times before
knowing that forever won't be 


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

7 things about me....

7 random things about me

1. i LOVEE TAYLOR SWIFT she is my idol and favourite singer.
2. Im likee seriously bored right now.
3. i might hang out with jasmina 2morrrow.
4. i love the holidays.
5. I type really fast.
6. My favourite colour is purple.
7. Most of my bestfriends are grade 8's
Im sorry i havent been blogging lately i've been so busy. But my days have been the same just bored as usual i've just been busy cause my family and me are preparing stuff for christmas and i can't wait christmas is just in 3 days!! I remember when i was months for christmas to come now im just waiting 3 days!! And for new years our family isn't really doing anything so i might ask sejla if she wants to sleepover on new years.
For christmas im actually not that greaty all i would like for christmas is Just dance 2 the video game, sims 3
taylor swift's oldest cd and a camera.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010



December 14th 2010

so today its like FREEZING outside and im sick. i hate being sick its like one of the worst things ever.
You know how i said that when i got my minutes on my phone like a couple weeks ago well its been really great cause i got free texting for a month and i've been texting melisa non stop 24/7! I had to deleted half of my inbox cause i had over 100 messages left over from her :) Wow! So i hanged out with jasmina on sunday and lejla was so post to come but she couldnt cause she had alot of tests and her grades needed to be improved before she went outside. But first jasmina and me stayed at her place for about an hour & a half then we were outside for like 2 hours. And this guy talah from our school was there and he is so weird he kept talking to jasmina and asked questions and said HAHA outaa nowhere. We both think he is very creepy but any way of course on the way home jasmina had to sing I WHIP MY HAIR BACK AND FORTH she loves to make fun of that song all the time.

Friday, December 10, 2010

So i had to go home today from school cause i had a stress attack. There are rumors going around that i just cant take anymore so then i started crying cause people are saying im a lier when i clearly now it happened and when my friend told me that this morning that i was LIEING?? why would i lie about that it would just make me a low lifee. Now im VERY afraid to go to school even though im trying to clear up the rumors with that person it involes. Which i think he wants no place involved with it,, soo wow i though this school year would be drama ffree but NOOOOOOOOOOO of course not.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

i don't get it? Why  is there so much drama in life? Why do people get so mean? Turn there backs on you?
Why. thats all i want to know.. if i knew that then my life would be drama free if possible. :(

Saturday, December 4, 2010

My Weird Chat With Pavan ♥

so today i was talking to pavan and well this is something strange for her to say...

i already did that you liike my status black-opps </3
u still like aero?
yeah hbu i luuuv him more than anyone b4 its liike hes the guy i luv the most my first luv <3<3
hbu do you still liike him ?
not really anymoree adn i could see you 2 together it would be soo cutee
aww thnks
well its true :):)
aero <3<3

And well thaats pavanpreet for ya she is OBSSESED with aero like crazy. but don't tell her i put thiis she wouldd make me delete it. Lmao :) 

Friday, December 3, 2010

December 3rd 2010

My day was acutaaly good, until the end of the day at 7:45pm but whos sayying anythiing ehh?? lol
im just really bored and i might get minutes on my phone soon cause melisa said she's always bored and wants me to text her so i miight do that this weekend and i might hang out with sejla on sunday too. I have to go in early for science on monday isnt that greeat!! Also it's pims 13th birthday today and he was acting all like he was the greatest thing in the world as usual its like that everyday for him. What a day i had eh? wow lol byeeee :)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

December 2nd 2010 :)

Today was not that drama filed actuaaly which is AWSOME. So tomorrow i have to go in early for science and i reaaly dont want to cause like i dont care if i get a c on it because all i have to do is add 5 more animals and coulour i could like care less. And today i found out that thiss girl in my clas is dating somebody for the THIRD time its like they have to date eachother at least 5 tiimes a yeaar!! I had to test in one day science and math science was more harder than math because im good at math and avergage at science so im in the b+ range i gueess lol i really have nothhing else to bloog about, my liifes in a good tiime right noww :) ♥ buhh byeeee.