Taylor Swiift.

Taylor Swiift.
My idol & favourite singer

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Better Chance Then Me Will See About That?..

I really hate this girl in my class. She thinks she's SOOOOO better and prettier than me? LIKE seriously?
She said '' i can't believe you i have a better chance at anything more than you ever will''. And then in gym she was like making fun of april and i just wanted her to stop cause that is like VERY rude the stuff she said..
Also she told me that she likes aero ALOTTTT & told him she likes himm and then i was saying nothing and she just outta nowhere said " I HAVE A BETTER CHANCE WITH HIM THAN YOU DO". So like really? i found that really rude cause i don't like him were just friends and stuff. So i told thiis to april " She thinks she has a better chance thaan MEE? HAA in her DREAMMS! " I also said " So.. she thinks that she has a better chance ohh will all see,, Just waait PAVAN and u'll see who has the better chance THEN.'' and yes all the stuff i said there i didnt say 2 her i said to my friend april

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