Taylor Swiift.

Taylor Swiift.
My idol & favourite singer

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Welcome To My Drama.

So theres this girl in my school and she causes so much drama. She talk behind everyones back and makes up the DUMBEST rumors, so one day she decided to move cynthias stuff away from everyone elses cause she saays she ugly and stuff which is NOT true cynthia is VERY pretty and then i got really offended bby that cause cynthia is one of my good friends. so one day i went up to her and im just like excuse me you just cant go around telling lies about other people thaat isn't cool at all! and she said i can do whatever i want and you can't stop me. so thankfully yesterday in gym she got in trouble for makiiing fun of the teacher and the teacher saiid and i mean SCREAMED this to her " if you ever do this again you are EXPELLIED!!'' and all of us couldnt believe how the teacher found out about her rumours she spreads causee none of us told her anythiing but now all of us learned a lesson to never listen to rumors or anthiing thaat she saays anymore.